Thursday, March 29, 2007

Shameless Emma Enjoyment

Some pics you might have missed from the past year or so:

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

"That's Not the Right Story!"

Every night for the past, oh, year and a half or so, after we turn out the lights to say goodnight to Emma, two stories must be told. She will let us know who is to tell each of these stories by issuing a familiar formulaic edict "Mommy; Daddy." The first named individual then proceeds to concoct a brand new story out of thin air. When that story is over, Emma (or someone else less drowsy) will say "That's not the right story!", at which time the second named individual (could be the same unlucky bloke) tells the story of a tiny baby girl who came home from the hospital with a perfect little nose, perfect little toes, etc., etc. but there was one little problem: she was too happy. She used to wake up in the middle of the night and feel like playing, which she did, even though "Mommy and Daddy were soooooo tired" until she had played enough and then everybody went to sleep. The end.