Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Quotable Quotes

Looking back through my Emma journal tonight, I came across several choice quotes from days past (mostly around age 3) from Ours Truly:

“Every day I am amazing myself."
“You’re only one woman; you’re not another woman, because we have a pickle.”
“Sometimes when I’m in trouble, I just clean the trouble up.”
[after learning the word "destroy" from a movie] "“No! Daddy—don’t kiss Mommy; you might destroy her!”
“If Sylvia gets the whole rice cake, I’ll be crushed!”
“I can’t [put that in the trash now]; I’m really dreadfully busy.”
“I’m chasing my own bottom” (she was!)
"I don't want to be calm. I want to be loud and cranky!" (she was.)
“I’m going to worship God by painting my toes” [you go, girl!!]
“Mommy, you deserve great love. I’m going to give you a massage.”, and the ever popular:
"My bottom is not for sale."
"I'm glad we don't live near a volcano so we won't be erupted!"

1 comment:

Matt said...

Two-year-old Emma once told me, "I never get any opportunities." HA!
- Dana